First Chiropractic Visit
If this will be your first time to a Chiropractor’s office, we want to assure you there is nothing to worry about. Dr. Kline will review the new patent forms you’ve completed and you’ll sit down together to be sure he has a full understanding of your “pain” points.
Dr. Kline will ask that you sit comfortably and relax while he motions the spine in the neck area. He will want you to quickly report any discomfort. He will focus his diagnosis and treatment based on this initial assessment.
From that intial diagnosis, he may proceed with a manual adjustment and/or manipulation of the spine.
Let’s get started!
Click below to download our new patient forms. It is important your Chiropractor has as much of this information as possible.
First Time Patient
* New Patient Form – Update April 2016
Authorization Forms
* Authorization to Release Medical Information
Personal Injury
* Personal Injury: Questionnaire
* Personal Injury: Assignment of Benefits
* Personal Inury: Notice of Doctor
Occupational Injury
* Doctor’s First Report
* Occupational Injury Form
Remember, that once treatment has started, we urge you not to go to far in between adjustments. It’s the regular motion of the spine, through chiropractic, that your spine stays healthy!
Here are other useful forms:
- Medicare Forms
- Employees Designation of Personal Chiropractor
- Privacy Rights Notification & Acknowledgement
- Doctor’s Lien
Authorization to release Medical Information